My adventures in another world with my brother Chapter 1 - Preparation for battle
We’d been driving down the road for the 20 or so minutes the path to the abyss creature was in doom town, an arena type Labrinth city where these types of events were typically held, out of the 46 cities in NWM this one was by far the most dreadful, since it boasted the largest enemy grounds per square meter around. My brother was always slamming the gas and shredding through the enemies at a relentless pace, at this point it was likely we’d make it there by the in-game sun down, which poised to be advantages because of sneak attack tactics. About 20 more minutes passed and we made it to the city, that was the moment we saw the the event monster looming over the buildings from what we could tell it seemed to be a behemoth class creature with a cyclops type head though we couldn’t see the rest of it we did know we were in for one hell of fight.
Abyss monsters range from cute and cuddly horned rabbits to massive behemoths with cimera like displaced body parts, the stuff of nightmares grabbed straight out of H.P. Lovecrafts books, they carried in size and strengths even the tiny one could pose to be monsters among monsters which was why they were so annoying to defeat.
As we approached the inner city we came across the best vantage point for fighting these monsters in this city. The doom clock tower, a massive tower based in the square center of the city with a view over all of it obviously to get to the top one would have to go rather speed run through ignoring all the small fries that dwelled within or simply fight your way to the top. Once at the top there’d be observer goggles where you could take a better look at the stats and looks of the enemies. This vantage point was ideal for these types of uncertain event monster raids.
Going into the tower a dark mist filled the air, we’d have to climb ten stories to get to the top and knowing who I was with this was gonna be an XP run till the top. On the first floor you’d typically encounter low level creatures such as slimes and goblins. Once you’d climb past the 5th floor the creatures would get more difficult per floor and the final floor typically had a mini boss defending the entrance.
Typically I’d have equipped my night vision but surprisingly even with most this floor was lit up for some strange reason, the shelves were in tatters as usual but there was definitely something wrong. that was when Overon stopped me and said “Deserter I’m about 90% sure we’ve stumbled upon a goblin ambush” an ambush was definitely shocking although uncommon they were quite rare and would typically indicate the presence of variant among the goblin species one that had commander skills, this was unprecedented but nothing we could deal with easily. As we continued walking towards the stairs that was when Overon caught an arrow about two inches from my face, the ambush had begun, as we prepared for battle the sound of goblin horn filled the room, initially I was caught off guard until I saw the goblin exit from behind the shadow it was hiding.
Goblins are a humanoid race of small green long eared creatures with sharp teeth and an overall ugly appearance they are one of the lowest ranked monsters but do at times pose a threat to even high leveled players when grouped up.
This ugly creature was staring at me with its glowing yellow eyes pulling its makeshift bow to fire another arrow but it was useless as such low leveled weapons would do much damage if any at all to a couple of Rankers like my brother and I, the arrow bounced off as if hitting stone wall as a bullet hole from my desert eagle left the Goblin without a brain to continue.
Side note: Rankers are players that have significantly high levels and are ranked in the top 1000 overall and top 100 of their specific class. Deserter is ranked 36 in Demon Lord and Ranked 289 overall, Overon is ranked 18 in Abyss Warrior and Ranked 215 overall. Keeping in mind there are 15 million players, they are among the strongest.
After about 5 minutes we’d finished off the goblins gaining us a measly amount of XP. Surprisingly their commander was a rarity one we’d never experienced; it was a gelatinous blue creature with a core in the middle, a slime.
Slimes are gelatinous type monsters with no organs nor brains, eyes or blood. They function by consuming organic materials and breaking them down with their acidic fluids. If it wasn’t for their vulnerable core they’d be a powerful adversary even for an experienced player.
We had finally made it to the fifth floor after about 10 or so minutes of annihilating insects left and right. We were unsure what was to follow as the following room could vary in the type and quantity of a monster.
Monsters were divided by threat levels ranging from F-tier to SSS-Tier for reference a goblin would typically be an F-tier monster with the strongest of them the Goblin Emperor only being a D-tier monster, a dragon depending on its level could vary from a C-tier all the way to an A-S tier, while abyssal creatures ranged anywhere from B-tier to SS-tier of course depending on size and level. Typically event bosses were SS-SSS tier and were to be feared.
As we entered the dark room we noticed glowing blue eyes and then a swing of a rusty sword of course we knew exactly what they were cause of their humanoid shape, undead skeletons as the name implies they were walking corpses that could handle weapons and armor typically a C-tier threat though most ranked them as D-tier as they were literally just skeletons and one could easily break their fragile old bones. Overon was busy using a skull as a bowling ball to defeat a group of skeletons. I watched as he threw the skull like a ball, knocking down 3 skeletons and smashing them to pieces. It was truly a meme worthy sight. As we continued up the floors we eventually made it to the final room where the mini boss should be. I grinned in amusement as we saw the boss appear from thin air it was truly a sight for sore eyes, out of all things we got a lich a type of undead mage luckily for us we were unofficial known as the magic casters arch nemesis as we specialized in neutralizing mages the best. It didn’t take long for us to defeat the Lich as it was a relatively weak B-tier monster.
As we climbed the stairs to the top of the clock tower we were confronted with a bright light that definitely blinded Overon as I heard him say “ahhh my eyes” for a fragment of a second. We approached the ledge where the appraisal spyglass was, as we hoisted it up and started looking we finally got a good look at the event boss. It was a massive 20 story tall abyss creature with 10 spider like legs two massive pincher claws like on a lobster an extremely deformed bull like body and 3 scorpion like tails, its head was way up in the air its neck like a giraffe but covered in warts and oozing from spots like if it was infected, lastly its head that was nothing more than a single massive eyeball, truly a creature of nightmares. The appraisal suddenly activated and showed us what it was on our view screens. It read: Class-Behemoth, Race-Abyss Chimera, level-569, danger rating-SSS, Type-Event Boss. By the stats alone we were in shock as event monsters typically are in the 300s in just levels, this was a creature we were definitely ill prepared to face and yet I felt kind of excited something I hadn’t felt like in a long while I could tell Overon was like this too as smirked a smile of pure excitement, the road ahead was gonna be quite the show.
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