My adventures in another world with my brother Chapter 0 - Prologue
It was midnight on a weekend, bored out of my mind as usual and not an ounce of sleepiness. I called up my brother in the states and asked to game for the night, he being the type of hardcore gamer he was wouldn’t refuse me even for a second.
“Hey bro, you wanna play some New world M?” I asked on my call.
New world M an interactive MMORPG similar to games like GTA V that were open world with levels set in the modern world.
“Sheesh bro it’s like 1 am don’t you ever sleep?” He replied to my genuine request.
“But bro come on I know you wanna” I responded as I leaned to turn on my PC.
I knew from the get go he was getting on if he wasn’t already in the game so I hung up at that moment. As I started up the Steam page and opened the game I heard lightning strikes outside as thunder roared from this year's rainy season, a common occurrence so nothing to fear. Though the weather had been acting up lately it was beneath my real notice all I knew was the game in front of me and nothing else mattered in that moment as I loaded up my character. “Deserter Lord of Flames” my character which I had meticulously leveled and personalized to perfection, he was a tall man with a strong average physique, wore only the finest business appeal clothes and had red demonic like eyes as I had thought that being a demonoid would suit my character perfectly. The game relied on a leveling system you could unlock just about everything in it once you reach level 100 beyond that there was no limit to levels as one could literally just continue getting stronger after that though there wasn’t a real point after level 150 plus it would require a huge investment on time to boot so no one but extreme fanatics would focus on level builds. My character Deserter was level 223 something I was truly proud of as it put me in the top 1000 in the world, of course I’d expect as much as I had played nearly every day for the last 6 years along with my brother who introduced me to the game.
I loaded into my penthouse in the central city skyscraper known as Eclipse of the Stars. As always I saw the usual same office, same table, kitchen, sofa, tv, bed, nothing new or unexpected. As I headed to my door I couldn’t help thinking to myself when was the last time I was with my brother? It had been several months since we got on together at the same time, I had been swamped with work and as I’m in a different time zone we never had a good time to hang out. Today is different. I'll definitely have a great time with him, I thought as I entered my off-road armored car with an anime girl tint, a design to this day I thought was hilarious and too good to change. I drove out of the garage and started heading towards my brother's base of operations located about two miles out of the city inside an underground bunker. I saw his tag appear on the map as I stepped on the gas. About 2-3 minutes later I arrived, I got out, pressed the bunker call phone and waited for the massive doors to open. I wasn’t really thinking about much as the air was viable caused by these massive pistons moving a gargantuan door to a raised position as I drove past into the belly of this bunker.
Past the tunnel I had been driving for a couple minutes when I finally saw a bright light at the end of the tunnel. As I approached I saw the NPC guards at the gate always asking me to halt and wait for clearance, a weird but cool function of the game's security measures. As I drive by I see this massive opening as I can now see the sheer size of my brother's base, walls lined with reinforced steel, an entire arsenal of tanks, planes, SAMs, helicopters, both armored and normal cars, and of course jet packs. As I park to get out I see my brother on his balcony waving at me from afar. I can't really tell what he’s saying because of the game's ultra realistic proximity chat function but I imagine he’s complaining about me parking in three spaces as I always do to annoy him. Of course this base is impressive and all of it was one of a kind but pretty much everyone has something like this or bigger or similar, either was his was definitely no laughing matter as he took details to an extreme. The only downside to his base is that he was a cheapskate who saved money on elevators meaning I was poised with a great mission: 9 flights of stairs.
The dreadfulness I felt in my fingers after that climb was surely torture, pretty glad this is all a game and not the real thing cause I’d wiped out doing this irl either way I’d done it and even managed to max out my stamina stat finally. As the last remaining stat I had to max out. This was something that needed to be celebrated I thought to myself as I turned and saw my brothers character “Overon the Chaotic” level 296. He had a tall figure always wearing mercenary cloths and a terrible sense of hairstyle luckily today he was wearing a ring hat to cover up that mop on his head, my brother was also of a high class race called Dijnn which were like a evil genies or something like that either way similar to archdemons like me he had the longevity stat and the all ailment immunity. His special race ability was different from mine as he could turn to dust and appear anywhere within a certain radius, cool ability but not as cool the Charm Command race ability demons had but still impressive.
I walked up to him and hugged him as usual as I reminisced about the last time I saw him IRL, which was around 2 years ago.
“Bro how you been I see your level is higher than last time I’m sure you’ve been grinding since we last saw, tell me how’d you fair against the frost dragon lord event last week?”
“Well I’ve been fine I’m sure you know I killed it as usual though I couldn’t do it very efficiently had to use various tanks to do it, a bit of a shame in all honesty”
“Ah well don’t beat yourself I’m sure you’ll figure it out someday” I grinned as I knew he was trying to ask me how I destroyed his record on the hunt event. My brother shook his head as he grabbed me and said “I heard there was a big abyssal monster hunt event happening tonight we should totally go” I looked him the eyes with a frown as I hated those the most, they take way too long and have only give xp and random loot along with an equipable title, either way for the effort they were by far the worst enemy to hunt.
My brother's eyes gleamed with anticipation as I frowned all the way down the stairs dragged by his stupid strength boosted gear.
We got into the armored turret truck and drove out to hunt this week's great evil abyssal lord. Whatever it was, our dou of hardened gamers wouldn’t be defeated by this bug.
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